About 43% of traffic for most e-commerce sites is generated through organic traffic. SEO is indeed one of the major sources of traffic and one of the major ways of scaling the business.

It is one of the fastest and biggest ways of growing a site’s visibility for people searching for products and services. Not just that it helps you expand your brand recognition and brand authority. But it’s only right if you target the right people, otherwise, it would do more harm. The majority of businesses experience stunted growth due to an incomplete or wrong strategy. We’re listing some of the major ones here: 

5 Biggest SEO mistakes eCommerce companies make and how to FIX THEM.

Finding the best SEO practices for your business is one of the essential parts of this process to guarantee success in the digital market.

Building an online store is not an easy task and once you’ve put in all the effort, don’t you want everything about it to be perfect? You will need a lot of research and knowledge on the subject. 

We have listed down the five most common SEO mistakes and problems faced by marketers, along with them we have provided solutions to help you build an online store that works:

Problem 1: Not knowing and Targeting the wrong Buyer persona

One of the key principles of SEO is to know your audience. Many marketers think that they know their target audience but let me tell you that this is not the only thing they need to know, it is important to know the needs of your consumers and how they will respond to your products and services.

This is the mistake that is made by many marketers. In order for marketers to not fall into this trap, we have come up with a solution for this problem.

Solution: Creating a Buyer Persona

It’s useless having organic traffic if you cannot convert them into loyal; customers. Hence, it is important to have a buyer persona.

Buyer personas help you define an ideal figure for your target audience like their age, purchasing power or interests! For e.g for diapers, your target audience isn’t the baby rather it is the parents buying the diapers. So it’s preferable to not waste your marketing budget on an audience that isn’t actively searching for your product. It is also important to understand and value what your audience really wants.

So it is important to find out what will convert them from browsers to buyers.

Problem: Having a Website Exclusive SEO strategy

Your rating can be jeopardized if you have not chosen a smooth mobile experience for your consumers.

It is now said that over 63% of all searches are carried out using a smartphone or tablet. Mobile users on average access the internet more on mobile than desktop users. Companies lose potential customers by not optimizing their sites for mobile.

The trend of mobile internet use is increasing and this trend has been going up for years. It is about time that businesses start to consider how to optimize their sites for mobile.

Not optimizing your site for mobile experience will lead you to lose your consumer’s interest in your online store.

Solution: Optimise your site for a mobile experience

You should optimize your site for the mobile experience. The first step in optimizing a site for all devices, including mobile: make sure your font size is legible on smartphone screens and your website loads quickly, even on 3G networks.

Make it as easy as possible for visitors to find the content they’re looking for with features like breadcrumbs, “skip” links, and preview text.

Mobile-friendly websites are responsive layouts that adapt to whatever screen size they are being displayed on; big screens or small screens.

Problem: Overcomplicated URL structure

An overly busy URL that doesn’t even make sense can be a problem for you. Don’t you think that long URLs are boring and difficult to remember?

Seo standards always suggest having a short and clear URL. Now the question arises how can you make yours appropriate according to the SEO requirements? Here’s the quickest solution to this problem:

Solution: Make clear and concise URLs

URLs usually consist of a lot of information in one place, which includes different categories and so on. The SEO standards suggest that it is always better to have clear, to-the-point URLs containing the relevant information for the result page.

A URL should be one from which SEO can pick any information for e.g. http://www.websiteurl.com/lawnmowers/green-gas-powered-lawnmower.com

Such URLs make it easy for people to tell what the URL will lead to, hence a clear and concise URL helps in building SEO e-commerce. 

Problem: Having incomplete data can hurt your E-commerce business

Data is the information of customers and your products and if you’re a marketer, you should never take the risk of not making this data your priority.

The most important data for any eCommerce is its customer data and if that data is wrong, one may lose their customers. I’m sure that none of you wants that hence, in order for your data to be insightful, it should be first refined. 

Solution: Use the right data 

The analytics of your website helps you in knowing how many people have visited your website, which keywords are led by your buyers along with the demographics.

You can also find out which products are most popular for solving specific issues. All of this can help you define the ideal customer persona. SEO content campaigns can be created to encourage people to behave in a specific way.

Problem: Planning and writing your content for ranking not for people

The issue that is faced by a lot is people focusing on writing for Google rather than their human readers. One needs to realize that the end user is a human and not a machine.

In order to meet the standards of SEO, many content creators and blog writers end up neglecting the quality of their content from the perspective of their audience.

This problem needs to be tackled in order to make your content appealing to consumers.

Solution: Write for humans, not for search engines

As mentioned previously, it is quite important to keep in mind that in the end what you’re writing has to be read by humans and not robots!

Your conversion rate will not be helped by excessive use of keywords, it might help you with ranking but not conversion.

For example, instead of just writing invoices use an invoice generator, and write Free Online Bill Maker, so that a layman can also understand your offering.

So, it is always a better idea to come up with content that helps in ranking and should also be something easily read and understood by consumers. Hiring experienced copywriters can help solve this issue. 


Ranking your Products in front of the buyers is easy if you follow the standards of SEO and understand your audience completely.

  1. Wrong Buyer Persona
  2. Mobile Unfriendliness
  3. Overcomplicated URL structure
  4. Not having the right product data
  5. Writing your content for ranking not people

In short, if you’re building an online store and are looking for ways to rank your content and improve your search engine performance, this blog will be useful for you as it not only highlights the mistakes made by e-commerce stores but also sheds light upon the solutions and what can be done to deal with those mistakes and problems!

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