In today’s highly competitive e-commerce world, reaching customers through multiple sales channels has become essential for businesses to thrive. Selling products on popular platforms like Shopify, Flipkart, Amazon, and Magento offers access to vast customer bases and increased visibility.

However, managing products and inventory across multiple channels takes a lot of work. Apimio PIM system can help you with this. 

With its user-friendly interface and robust features, Apimio enables businesses to seamlessly connect and synchronize their product data with different sales channels. 

Whether you’re an expert online retailer or just starting your e-commerce journey, this blog will provide you with the knowledge. And with step-by-step instructions on how to export products using Apimio.

How to export products to Shopify, Flipkart, Magento & Amazon?

To export products to Shopify, Flipkart, Magento, and Amazon using Apimio, follow these step-by-step instructions;

Step # 01. Go to the Export Option 

Login to your Apimio account. Navigate to the Export option, which is in the main menu on the dashboard under the Products option.

how to export products to shopify

Within the Export section, locate the option to start the product export process and click on it.

Then, a list will be presented to you of your products that are available for export.

This list may include all your products or provide filtering options to select specific items based on criteria like category, availability, or SKU.

Step # 02. Select products by filter

After accessing the products in the Export section, you can use search filters to refine your selection of products for export.

how to export products to shopify, flipkart, magento & amazon

These filters serve as criteria that you can apply to narrow down the product list based on specific attributes or characteristics. 

The ability to select products by filter is particularly useful when you want to export specific items tailored to each sales channel.

Each platform may have unique requirements or preferences, and by filtering your products, you can choose the ones that are most suitable for each platform.

Once you have selected or filtered the desired products, proceed to the next step. Click the “Next” button or a similar prompt.

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Step # 03. Select the Template

After selecting the products you want to export, the next step is to choose the appropriate template for each sales channel.


Templates serve as predefined formats that align with the specific data requirements and formats of platforms like Shopify, Flipkart, Magento, and Amazon.

Each sales channel may have unique fields and specifications for product listings.

The templates provided by Apimio are designed to accommodate these variations. And ensure that your product data is correctly formatted for each platform.

Step # 04. Map your products

After selecting the appropriate template for each sales channel, Apimio provides a mapping interface. Where you can align the fields from your product data with the corresponding fields in the selected template.


This step is important to ensure that the product information is accurately mapped and transferred to the specific sales channels.

The mapping interface allows you to connect the fields in your product data and those recognized by the selected template for each platform.

This alignment ensures that the relevant information, such as product name, description, price, SKU, images, and other attributes, are correctly mapped and transferred to the appropriate fields in the export file.

Step # 05. Mapping Configuration

During the mapping process, you may encounter a pop-up or dialog box allowing you to configure the mapping settings further.

how to export products

This may include options to save the template for future use, specify additional mapping rules, or set default values for specific fields.

Once you have completed the mapping configuration. Initiate the mapping process to synchronize and transfer the product data to the respective sales channels.

This step ensures product information is correctly formatted and aligned with the requirements of each platform.

Ready to boost your product exports and reach a wider audience?

Sign up for Apimio now and gain access to a comprehensive platform that simplifies multi-channel selling.

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Step # 06. CSV ready to download

Once you have completed the mapping process in Apimio, the platform generates a CSV file that contains the mapped product data. 

csv download

The generated CSV file is prepared according to the requirements of each sales channel you have selected.

This means that the data in the CSV file is structured and formatted in a way that aligns with the specific fields. And formats expected by platforms like Shopify, Flipkart, Magento, and Amazon.

Step # 07. Download CSV file

After the CSV file is generated, Apimio will send an email containing a link or an attachment to download the CSV file.

mail csv

Simply access your email inbox, locate the email sent by Apimio, and either click on the provided download link or save the attached CSV file to your local device.

Benefits of using Apimio for exporting products

For businesses looking to expand their reach through export products, Apimio provides a number of significant benefits. 

benefits of export products

Let’s look at the benefits of using Apimio to export products as your preferred platform;

1. Centralized product management

Apimio serves as a centralized hub for managing your product data across multiple sales channels.

Instead of individually managing each platform, Apimio allows you to efficiently organize, update, and synchronize your product information from a single interface.

This saves time and reduces the risk of errors or inconsistencies in your product listings.

2. Time and cost efficiency

By leveraging Apimio, you can significantly reduce the time and effort required to manage multiple sales channels.

Rather than manually updating product listings on each platform, Apimio enables you to make bulk changes, automate data syncing, and streamline inventory management.

This efficiency allows you to allocate resources more effectively and focus on growing your business.

3. Real-time inventory management

Keeping track of inventory levels across multiple sales channels can be challenging. Apimio offers real-time inventory management, ensuring stock quantities are accurately updated across all platforms.

This prevents overselling or stockouts, enhancing customer satisfaction and reducing the risk of order cancellations or delays.


In conclusion, exporting products to different sales channels is a strategic move that can significantly expand your business’s reach and increase your sales opportunities. Apimio offers a comprehensive solution that simplifies the process and maximizes efficiency.

Exporting products to multiple sales channels using Apimio opens up new ways for growth and helps you tap into diverse customer bases.

By reaching more potential buyers across different platforms, you can increase your brand visibility, attract new customers, and ultimately drive higher sales.

Try not to restrict your business’s potential. Embrace the opportunities of multi-channel selling with Apimio and unlock new heights of success in your e-commerce journey.

What to do next?

  • Revolutionize your product management strategy and skyrocket your online sales with Apimio PIM – Sign up now
  • Read more about our Product Information related Guides here.
  • Contact our support or comment your thoughts under the blog section if you have any further questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can you export products to different sales channels using Apimio?

Apimio allows you to choose and export specific products to each sales channel selectively. You can apply filters to narrow your product selection and ensure the right products are exported to the respective channels.

2. Are the templates in Apimio customizable for each sales channel?

Apimio provides different templates for each sales channel, allowing you to customize the product data mapping according to each platform’s specific requirements.

3. Why is it important to export products?

Exporting products is important because it allows businesses to reach a larger customer base, expand into new markets, and increase sales opportunities. 

4. Can you save the mapping templates in Apimio for future use?

Apimio offers the option to save the mapping templates you have created, allowing you to reuse them in subsequent exports to the same sales channels, saving you time and effort in configuring the mappings again.

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