In the business world, time is money. The more time you can save your employees, the more money your company can make. That’s why it’s essential to have a system in place for storing and sharing product data. Product data can include everything from specifications and pricing information to images and videos.

There are several ways to store and share product data. You can use a cloud-based storage system or set up a local network.

This blog will discuss how vital product data storage and sharing is and how you can safely do that. Well then, let’s get started!

What is Product Data Storage?

Product data storage is the process of storing product-related information in a manner that allows for easy access and retrieval. It may include product descriptions, images, specifications, and other related information. 

Product data storage is the process of storing product-related information in a manner that allows for easy access and retrieval. Product data storage is important when it comes to e-commerce branding.

Product data storage allows businesses to keep track of their products and make sure that their customers always have access to the most up-to-date information.

Want to leverage the power of product data storage in a centralized platform?

Apimio Pim is a single source of truth for effective product data storage and sharing.

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Importance of Product Data Storage and Sharing

product data storing
5 reasons why storing product data and making it shareable is important

One of the most crucial parts of every organization is data. It’s what enables organizations to make well-informed decisions, track their progress, and gain a better understanding of their customers. However, data can also be quite challenging to manage.

Not only do businesses have to store and track their data, but they also have to worry about sharing it with other businesses and organizations.

Secondly, by using product data storage and sharing, businesses can improve their communication with other businesses and reduce the amount of time.

Thirdly, to stay competitive in the market, businesses must ensure that they appropriately store all product data.

This data includes customer information, supplier information, pricing information, and other vital data that can help a business increase sales and improve customer relations.

Therefore, product data must be accessible to everyone within a company who needs it. This includes salespeople, customer service representatives, suppliers, and others.

Storage should always be in a centralized location where everyone can ensure that data is easily accessible.

3 Types of Data Storage

There are a variety of data storage systems on the market. Still, the three most common types are traditional hard drives, solid-state drives, and cloud storage.

  • Cloud Storage
  • Server Based Storage
  • Traditional Storage systems

Each system has its advantages and disadvantages, so it’s essential to understand the differences before purchasing.

types of data storage

1. Cloud Storage

Cloud storage is similar to offshore computing. This means that it also allows you to access your data from any location at any time. It was first characterized as an “intergalactic computer network” in 1969, according to Computer Weekly, and has progressed significantly since then.

Flexibility, disaster recovery, automated software updates, increased collaboration, and a “pay-as-you-go” economic pricing structure are all advantages of the cloud. On the negative side, Howard suggests being wary of security and compliance risks: “You have no idea where your data is being housed, which might be a problem for some companies.”

It should be noted, that there have been a few security breaches in the past. However, in one area where confidentiality is critical, there is always the risk of one. Only 2.4 percent of respondents had a data breach with their cloud provider, according to a poll conducted by HIMSS, a thought leader in health IT transformation.1

Is cloud computing appropriate for your company? It has certainly gotten a lot of attention in recent years. According to Ashley Unit of, it’s now as common as clouds in the sky. It might be the best option for you if you:

  • Have a limited budget.
  • Need to collaborate with team members.
  • Want to expand your storage.
  • Want to eliminate the worry about maintenance. 
  • Require the flexibility to expand or diminish costs and storage as needed.

I have thoroughly covered everything you need to know about Cloud PIM.

You can read about Cloud PIM and its Benefits here: The Ultimate Guide To Cloud PIM: Why You Need One

Are you ready to start with the advanced cloud PIM solution?

Apimio Pim is a central repository to gather, store and enrich your product information.

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2. Server-Based Storage

Data is stored in server-based or hyper-convergence storage on individual servers in a data center, usually on your business site. Businesses with financial means can benefit from their speed and in-house control. If you have multiple hyper-converged servers, your data is striped across them.

“Hyper-convergence is a notion that seeks to abstract other tiers of infrastructure for the benefit of simplicity and adaptability. Software-defined networking (SDN) delivers the benefits of standardization to network virtualization and decreases costs at the hardware and management layers,” according to Information Week.

According to our expert, a small business would not be a good candidate for hyper-convergence because of the high cost (up to $75K, according to our expert) and physical space required. Better-equipped businesses with larger budgets are the ones that can store and handle it in-house.

Despite the label, according to BizTech, hyper-convergence can simplify management and reduce costs. “It also gives a speedy and cost-effective mechanism to escape an overcomplicated behemoth of an infostructure that businesses have built over time.” 2

3. Traditional Storage Systems

Traditional hard drives are the most common type of data storage system. They use spinning disks to store data and are typically less expensive than other options. However, they also have a shorter lifespan and are less reliable than solid-state drives or cloud storage.

Importantly, managers often use traditional storage as a cloud backup plan. You can typically only access it if you are connected to the Internet connection where you have stored it for security reasons.

Your computer may appear to have a separate area network, and you may notice an e, f, or g disc.

You can purchase traditional storage systems in one of two ways.

  1. Via a technology provider (Dell, EMC, etc.)
  2. From a local technology products store that sells network-linked storage (NAS).

If you have a tiny business, little network-attached storage should suffice and cost less than $500, but it may not last long, and you’ll have to hire someone to fix it if it goes down.


In short, you can go with any of these data storing and sharing, depending on your business’s requirements and size. The main aim is to improve communications among team members, reduce costs and make well-informed decisions.

 What to do next

  • To know more about the PIM solution , read our blog “On-Premise Vs. Cloud PIM: Pros and Cons”
  • Create an account now and get started. Sign-up here.
  • Contact our support if you have any further queries.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is data storage and how does it work?

Data storage has evolved significantly over the years, with advancements in capacity, speed, and reliability. One of the latest advancements in data storage is cloud storage, which allows users to store data remotely on a server and access it from anywhere. Pim for e-commerce helps to store product data to provide a centralized platform for managing and sharing data.

2. What is Product Data Storage?

Product data storage is the process of storing product-related information in a manner that allows for easy access and retrieval.

3. How does data storage management impact the product?

Effective data storage management has a significant impact on product success. It ensures that data is stored in an organized manner, making it easy to retrieve when needed. Secondly, it can improve data security by implementing security protocols to protect against data breaches, theft, and loss. Thirdly, proper product data storage can enhance the overall quality of a product by ensuring that the data used to develop and maintain the product is and up-to-date.

  1. Cyber Security:[]
  2. Hyper Convergence:[]

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